The real devastation from Hurricane Sandy might be happening as you read this. It’s been more than a week – and some families haven’t been able to even see their homes yet. It’s cold. It’s snowing right now. Some of you have been home and have had to grab a bag and go. Some of you have just stood where your home used to be.
Real estate is the work we do every single day, and it has never been this real. We’ve talked to so many people today who have lost their homes – some for months, and some forever. No talk of square footage and master baths – only memories. The space to just be a family. Video tapes of a son who has passed…were they high enough to escape the water? The photo albums…are they there? Is anything there? I just need to get my kids back with me. Can we just go home?
I wish you could. Today was a good day – we helped families find a place to go. More tomorrow, and the next and the next. We aren’t going to forget about you, you’re part of our family now too. If we haven’t called you yet, we will. There are so many agents working to find a place for you. It may not be home – but for now, it might be just enough.